Does CPU Overclocking Increase FPS (Explained)

As a passionate gamer, I’m always on the lookout for ways to boost my gaming experience. One day, a fellow gamer mentioned CPU overclocking as a secret to unlocking more frames per second (FPS) in games. 

Curiosity piqued, I set out on a quest to uncover the truth behind this gaming legend. Could overclocking truly enhance my FPS and take my gameplay to new heights?

So, in this article I’ll explain to you whether CPU overclocking increases FPS. 

Let’s dive in!

Does CPU Overclocking Increase FPS?

Does CPU Overclocking Increase FPS

Yes, overclocking CPUs helps you to increase FPS on your computer. Some games’ performance relies on the CPU speed, and overclocking will boost the number of frames per second. 

As you know overclocking will increase the speed of your processor, and it will improve your gameplay becau

se the CPU is working harder. 

However, there are a few drawbacks of overclocking the CPU such as overheating, decreased battery life or throttle. 

There are different types of games that use your CPU in various types  such as; some depend on how quick the GPU is. 

How Much does Overclocking Increase the FPS?

As we’ve discussed, overclocking the CPU increases FPS on your computer, but in order to check how much FPS will be increased I’ve tested one of my PC’s using different games. 

Here is the testing:

Test #1

I ran the first tes on one of my PCs made of AMD 8350, with GTX 1660, 16 GB RAM. The PCs OS was Win-11 64X and the clock speed was after overclocking 4.2-4.5

The PC had all AMD and Nvidia drivers installed. So, I tested Total WAR Warhammer and Shadow Of Mordor with the maximum 1080p image quality. 

Here are results of Shadow Of Mordor:

Stock clock Speed Overclock Speed 
Minimum FPS4951
Average FPS6870

Here is the result of Total WAR Warhammer: 

Stock clock Speed Overclock Speed 
Minimum FPS5456
Average FPS6464

So, these results show us that overclocking CPUs helps to increase FPS for a few games. However, some specific or beginner games don’t consider the CPU overclocking. 

The games that depend on your CPU will show you a significant increase in the FPS, but the other games will not provide you much FPS. 

How to Increase FPS without Overclocking CPU

Suppose you don’t want to overclock your CPU and want to increase FPS for your device, there are a few methods that will help you to do this. 

A few methods to increase FPS without overclocking CPU might require money, or some of them are free. 

Here is how you can increase FPS without overclocking CPU:

  1. Upgrade the PC components
  2. Customizing settings in the existing hardware

Here is detailed view of these methods:

Upgrading Components

When it comes to upgrading the components, it means that you should change the existing hardware with the new one. 

In order to increase performance/ FPS you will need to buy new hardware components for your computer. 

Here is a list of components that you can upgrade:

  1. The first hardware component for your PC you can upgrade is a processor, you should replace it with a new one that has a base clock speed higher than the existing one. Typically processor prices start from $100-250, which vary depending on their make, model, and specifications. 
  2. The second hardware you can upgrade on your PC is RAM which will help you to increase your computer processor speed and FPS. you can insert a new RAM stick into the empty slot on the motherboard. However, if all the slots have RAMs you should replace them with the higher rankings. 
  3. You can also replace your GPU with a newer version to increase the FPS without overclocking the CPU. The new GPU will help you to improve FPS and you can purchase it for $150-350 depending on the specs, make and model. 

Tweaking Settings 

If you don’t want to raise money, here is a free method to increase FPS on your PC. if you are running low on budget you should follow the steps below:

  1. Firstly you can decrease your device resolution in order to increase FPS. Let’s suppose you are running a game on 1440 P, you can decrease it to 1080P
  2. The second method is to disable the motion blur settings and get more FPS for your computer. 
  3. You can also consider disabling the shadow effects in the game to increase FPS. This will not cause losing the gameplay and helps to increase performance dramatically. 
  4. You should also ensure that all drivers are up-to-date, for laptops you can disable UAC if it is turned on. 
  5. Check your PC settings are configured correctly. 
  6. Also you can reduce the number of projects/software from the screen at once. 
  7. In the end you should turn off Vsync, unlock the frame rate option it will help you to play games at a consistent frame rate. However, if you have a high end monitor it can cause screen tearing issues.

What Does Overclocking Do, Exactly?

Overlocking helps the processor run higher clock than the original speed. It helps you to resource-intensive tasks faster and more efficiently such as; graphic designing, playing games, or editing videos. 

Overclocking your computer feels faster than usual, and the processor speed depends on two different factors; clock speed, and CPU core ratio. 

In technical terms overclocking boosts the clock speed, and increases the number of cycles that your CPU executes per second. 

Is overclocking CPU good for gaming?

If the overclocking is done within the limit of components and it is stable, then it will provide you with a good gaming experience. 

However, increasing the clock speed or processor will cause more heat generation and power consumption on your device. 

As your PC is working harder than usual to provide you the best FPS and overall gaming experience. 

Final Words

Overclocking the CPU helps to increase FPS (Frame per Second) on your computer and helps to boost your game. 

However, there will be a few certain conditions or games that don’t increase FPS with overclocking the CPU. 


How to overclock safely CPU/ laptop

What is FPS and how to optimize it for game

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